This is a historic weak yen. Let's go to Japan! !

Large-scale purchases of Japanese stocks by foreign investors


Although there are fluctuations on a daily basis, there is information that Japanese stocks are being purchased in large quantities by foreign investors.

As a small-time investor myself, I pay close attention to stock prices on a daily basis, and the stock market is currently undergoing rapid ups and downs.

I don't buy specific stocks, but instead buy them in the form of investment trusts to diversify my risk, so I haven't had to make a big loss.

I'm an individual investor, so I only trade in small amounts, and as long as I can get the funds I need for my daily life, that's all I need.

Some people, like those in FX, focus on the differences in exchange rates and conduct medium- to long-term foreign exchange transactions.

I have also done FX before, but I decided that it was a little too risky, so I no longer do it.

If you watch YouTube videos, you will see that even people with professional level skills suddenly experience a sudden drop in the exchange rate and lose tens of millions, even hundreds of millions.

Risk diversification products such as investment trusts can avoid some risk, but FX is not a risk diversification product, so if it crashes, you will incur a huge loss, so it is not recommended.

It is very important to manage your assets safely and save money for the future.

Rather than playing money games, I would like you to manage your money according to the above diagram based on the philosophy of creating the funds you need for your current life and never overdoing it.

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