This is a historic weak yen. Let's go to Japan! !

Trial By Fire of Chairman Omi

 Even if you look at the questions in the Diet, the remarks of government officials and Olympic officials are all the remarks of the Tokyo Olympics, and it seems that you do not know where you are looking at.

I am surprised that there are many people who want to hold a peace festival to reward the efforts of the players who have worked hard so far.

It's not normal now.

In the midst of fighting the horrific virus called coronavirus, there are many people who are just getting infected and getting serious or dying.

Even if infected people in Japan go down and regain their composure, tens of thousands of people from overseas, including teams, officials, and interviewers, will come to Japan and shut out all sources of infection by quarantine. You should never be able to do it.

There is a possibility that the virus will come in negatively and become positive in Japan, so the risk of the virus coming in from overseas is very high.

What is the significance of holding the Olympic Games with such various risks?

Chairman Omi speaks from a national perspective, putting the health and safety of the people first.

As a person involved in medical care, what is wrong with making statements from a national perspective while the health of the people is being threatened?

Someone from a foreign Olympics made a ridiculously terrifying remark that "I will definitely do it unless I come to Armageddon," but Chairman Omi's remark is exactly the opposite.

If you are reading this blog now, you have no idea what the purpose of the Olympics is, unless you come to Armageddon. Which do you think is the truth, worrying about the health of the people of Japan and throwing out what is important now to achieve the original purpose of the Olympic Games?

Opinions of those who support and disagree with the Olympics vary, but don't forget that we are now in the midst of a pandemic (in the midst of a world war against Corona)! !!

I agree and disagree with the validity of the statements made by politicians and Olympic officials, such as whether it is really the right time to run the Olympics without being overwhelmed by personal feelings, and there is no option to cancel. I would like you to express your intention.

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