This is a historic weak yen. Let's go to Japan! !

Russians enlisting in the Ukrainian army to fight Russian forces

 I heard that there are hundreds of Russians who are currently enlisting in the Ukrainian army and fighting against the Russian army.

How did the Russians come to join the Ukrainian army?

There are many Russians who oppose the Russian military invasion of Ukraine.

And there is also a lot of resistance among Russians against the Russian army, which does all kinds of evils such as violence and murderous rape against Ukrainians.

Rebelling against the Russian army and fighting the Russian army with guns is not a betrayal of the country, but an action after careful consideration of what is justice and what is right. I don't think you can criticize.

Some of them are even Christian believers. They chose to fight for justice in the name of their faith.

I am really humbled.

For those who choose to fight for justice according to their own ideas and beliefs, what lies ahead is glorious glory.

Please do not lose your life and fight according to your thoughts and beliefs until the end.

I hope you will lead me to victory.

