This is a historic weak yen. Let's go to Japan! !

Landscape with jelly fish

 The jellyfish floating in the water are mysterious! !!

I'm a little scared that if a jellyfish comes near me while swimming in the sea, I'm a little scared, but when I see it in the image or swim in the aquarium like this, it's very mysterious and fantastic. The atmosphere is breathtaking.

I happened to find this jellyfish, which glows purple and is very beautiful.

This is an image, but if it's a video or an aquarium, I wouldn't get tired of watching it for an hour or two, maybe all the time.

There is an aquarium called "Umitamago" in my hometown of Oita, and many people from outside the prefecture come to see it.

If I have time next time, I will go to see the jellyfish and forget about the passage of time for an hour or two, and forget that the world is in trouble with Corona. I would like to stand in front of the jellyfish.

We need more people to see this, so please click!

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Anonymous said…
It’s marvelous. I’ve never seen such beautiful jellyfish before.