This is a historic weak yen. Let's go to Japan! !

Hate crimes are a big problem in America right now!

 Hate crimes are a big problem in America now.

Suddenly violent or messy just because you are Asian

Some people have been cursed and some have died due to terrible violence.

Yesterday, a scene of an Asian woman suddenly being violent was broadcast on TV.

It was really shocking, and it seems that the law and order have already collapsed to be violent just because you are Asian.

It is said that such violence began when former President Trump began to call the coronavirus a Chinese virus.

I can only say that ignoring human rights is terrible.

I think it should never be in the free country of America to persecute for no reason, just as it was once persecuted because it was Jewish and because it was Asian.

It would be a tremendous tragedy if the brunt of an Asian was trying to hit something with unfocused anger in Corona.

I sincerely hope that the government will take responsibility for thorough management and monitoring to prevent such violence from escalating, and to eradicate violence.

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