This is a historic weak yen. Let's go to Japan! !

Why not turn part of your search engine into Ecosia? (The only eco-friendly search engine where you can plant trees)


As I have already mentioned several times, Ecosia is one of the search engines It was developed by a German company.

Ecosia is a search engine developed by a German company. 80% of the revenue from advertising is used for tree planting activities. The more you search using this search engine, the more trees will be planted all over the world, and the more greenery will grow.

In the upper right corner of the page, there is a picture of a tree, and next to it is a number.

This number is the number of times you have searched.

When this number reaches about 45 times, a tree is planted and more greenery is produced.

There are many search engines in the world, some of the most famous being Google and Yahoo. There are many search engines in the world, some of the most famous are Google and Yahoo, but I would like to ask you to use Ecosia to help plant trees around the world. I hope you will use Ecosia to help us plant trees around the world.

The above photos are the search screen of Ecosia and a reference image of a search on my blog (Blogger/The Daily News Show with the best of friends). The above photos are reference images from Ecosia's search screen and my blog (Blogger/The Daily News Show with the best of friends).

The world is moving away from oil to electricity, and is certainly moving in the direction of reducing CO2 emissions.

And green trees absorb CO2 and emit O2.

Let's help create a clean air planet by joining the world's eco-activities!

It all starts with your precious one click.

It all starts with your one click.

We need more people to see this, so please click!
にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語の日記(英語のみ)へ


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英語学習広場管理人 said…

英語学習ひろばという英語専門サイトの管理人を行っている、ケントというものです。今回、御社の こちらのページを拝見し、とても良い記事だと思い、問い合わせをさせていただきました。
弊社のこちらのページ( )では弊社独自に行った、IELTSに関する調査結果を掲載しております。

また、今後もこのような調査結果を掲載していく予定ですので、是非ご確認ください。( )