This is a historic weak yen. Let's go to Japan! !

Let's plant trees all over the world and create a big forest by searching on the search engine Ecosia!

 Have you ever heard of a search engine called "Ecosia"?

It is a search engine developed by a German company, and for every 45 searches, a tree is planted.

It is a very eco-friendly search engine, with about 80% of the advertising revenue going to tree planting activities.

I didn't know about Ecosia before and used to search on Google or Yahoo, but now I search on Ecosia as much as possible. But now I try to search on Ecosia as much as possible.

It's amazing that just by searching, a tree will be planted somewhere in the world!

If 1 million people search 45 times each, 1 million trees will be planted and a forest will be formed in no time. If one million people search 45 times each, one million trees will be planted and a forest will be formed.

Let's spread this information to people all over the world, promote tree planting, and work together to improve the global environment! Let's do it!

We don't have to donate money, we just need to change our search engine to Ecosia. We don't have to donate money.

You don't have to donate any money, just change your search engine to Ecosia.

The following image is the home screen of Ecosia.

And the image below is the result of searching my multilingual blog with Ecosia.

It's almost 45 times now, which means I'm almost ready to plant a tree.

I'm kind of happy and my heart is pounding!

Now you too can search for it on Ecosia!

So that's it for today's blog.

I hope you'll come back to my blog again.

I hope you will come back to my blog again, and think about the same theme with me.

It would be wonderful if we could share the same time and space!

How wonderful it would be!

I look forward to meeting you again!

I'm looking forward to seeing you again!

See you soon!

Here's to your eyes!

As Time Goes By

We need more people to see this, so please click!
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