This is a historic weak yen. Let's go to Japan! !

I've re-launched Twitter in earnest!


The blue bird started tweeting its image character in 2011. Recently, I remembered that I had been tweeting too.

Recently, I remembered that I had been tweeting too, so I went to my account and looked at my page. I remembered that I used to be on Twitter, so I went to my account and looked at my page for the first time in a while.

I felt nostalgic and wondered why I had neglected it for so long. So I started tweeting again, little by little.

In addition to Twitter, there are various other social networking services such as Facebook and Line, but the feature of Twitter is that you can tweet anonymously. It's easy to use Twitter because you can tweet anonymously!

My name on Twitter is Cat's Love, @supersutar2319.

Please visit my gooblog and Twitter at the same time!

I'd love to hear your comments.

Let's be friends!

So that's it for today's blog.

I hope you'll come back to my blog again.

Think about the same theme with me

I hope we can share the same time and space.

How wonderful it would be!

I look forward to the day when I can see you again.

I'm looking forward to meeting you again.

I'm looking forward to seeing you again, and I'll see you soon!

Here's to your eyes!

AS Time Goes By

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