This is a historic weak yen. Let's go to Japan! !

I wanted you to see Chaplin's life-threatening love speech now!

 Chaplin is the king of comedy, the actor who makes us laugh with his funny dancing and singing in black-and-white movies with dirty shoes. I am a big fan of Charles Chaplin and have seen most of his movies.

I am a big fan of Charles Chaplin and have seen most of the movies he appeared in.

I can't tell you how many people have been encouraged in the past by his words of never losing hope and looking forward even if you are poor. I now think that he was a treasure for humanity.

In this context, there is a video that moved my heart.

It is a scene from a movie called "Chaplin's Dictatorship" in which Chaplin appears.

Chaplin's life-threatening message to the dictator at the start of World War II moved everyone's heart. The message to the dictator and the people. The message to the dictator and the people is still relevant decades later. It is a message of peace!

Please take a look at this message that was sent out to the world in the midst of the madness of war, and risked his life for it. I have decided to upload this message to the world.

I believe that your view of life will definitely change after you watch it.

Please take a look!

Charles Chaplin's life-threatening message of love

This is the end of today's blog.

I hope you'll come back to my blog and

I hope you'll come back to my blog and think about the same topics with me.

and share the same time and space with me.

How wonderful it would be!

I'm looking forward to meeting you again.

I look forward to meeting you again. I'll see you soon!

Here's to your eyes!

As Time Goes By

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