This is a historic weak yen. Let's go to Japan! !

Walking high again last night.


I'm walking every night now, and last night I spent about an hour walking.

The more I walk, the more I feel the urge to walk more.

This is what I call a walking high.

When I walk now, I carry a pedometer and measure the number of steps, time, calories and distance every day.

The health of our legs is very important.

If your legs weaken, you will not be able to walk, and if you cannot walk, your physical strength will rapidly decline.

In order to maintain the health of our feet, we need to walk, even slowly and steadily, to prevent the weakening of the muscles in our feet.

If you don't walk much and drive a car all the time, the muscles in your legs will deteriorate and you will start aging rapidly.

It doesn't matter if you start now, make sure to walk every day to maintain your physical strength and keep your body looking young all the time!

That's the end of my blog for today.

I hope you'll come back to my blog and

I hope you will come back to my blog and think about the same topics with me.

I hope we can share the same time and space.

How wonderful it would be!

I'm looking forward to meeting you again.

I look forward to meeting you again. I'll see you soon!

Here's to your eyes!

As Time Goes By 

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