This is a historic weak yen. Let's go to Japan! !

Hay fever attacks!


Yesterday was a tough day for me.

A little while after I went to bed, my body started itching all over and I couldn't sleep.

Why on earth? Could it be mites? I thought about it a lot and came up with the following

Hay fever.

I don't know if hay fever exists in other countries, but in Japan, in early spring I don't know if there is such a thing as hay fever in other countries, but in Japan, in early spring, cedar trees produce a lot of pollen, which when inhaled, causes various hay fever symptoms.

Since I have an atopic constitution, I suffer from hay fever symptoms every year, especially in early spring.

The most painful symptom is itching!

I get itchy here and there, and I scratch and scratch and scratch.

Even though I know it's wrong, I can't help but scratch when it itches.

Of course, I take medication as a preventive measure, but when it gets bad, the medication doesn't work very well.

It is thought that the cedar pollen will be gone by May, so until then, I have to try not to inhale the pollen. So until then, we have to take measures to avoid inhaling pollen.

Now I always wear a mask to protect myself from corona, but I wonder if pollen still gets in through the gaps.

I can't help but have symptoms.

My eyes also get itchy.

Every day is a battle against the itchiness, but I'm trying my best to avoid the symptoms.

If you have hay fever too, please let me know if you know any good ways to prevent it!

So that's it for today's blog.

I hope you'll come back to my blog again.

I hope you'll come back to my blog and think about the same topics with me.

and share the same time and space with me.

How wonderful it would be!

I'm looking forward to meeting you again.

I look forward to meeting you again. I'll see you soon!

Here's to your eyes!

As Time Goes By

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