This is a historic weak yen. Let's go to Japan! !

It's really supposed to be a cat blog full of pictures of cute cats. ・・・・・

 You've been reading this blog for a long time, and you're probably thinking that it's not interesting because there are few articles about cute cats these days, and it's all about current events. You've been reading this blog for a while now, and you're probably thinking that it's not very interesting because there aren't many articles about cute cats and it's all about current events, right?

That's right.

In fact, this blog is a cat blog!

I've taken a lot of cute pictures of my 11 very cute cats and siblings. I can post them anytime I want.

But what's on my mind right now is not to post pictures of cute cats for you to see. But what's on my mind right now is not to post pictures of cute cats for you to see, but to tell you about Corona, which has become a serious problem right now, just for you who are reading this blog. I want to ask you to seriously think about corona together with me, because you are the only one who is reading this blog right now. It is my sincere wish to protect the lives of you, your family and your most beloved ones. I'm taking a break from the cat blog to write a blog that focuses on pressing current issues.

Today, the number of infected people in Tokyo and the number of infected people and deaths nationwide were reported. The number is increasing at an incredible rate.

I am writing this blog to warn people who are going out more and more. This is why I am writing this blog.

You only have one life.

You don't want to lose it to Corona!

It would be so sad if someone you love the most collapsed and died of corona!

If you want to reduce the risk of coronary infections, you need to reduce your contact with people as much as possible. That's what we need to do now.

For those who miss people, the lack of human contact may be as painful as the lack of human contact. I think it is not too late to reduce the number of infected people to a level where they are safe. I think it is not too late. Let's be patient until we can have contact with people without worry!

Yes, it's a short term battle!

Let's go with the mindset of "I won't miss you until I win" instead of "I won't want you until I win"!

When the vaccine becomes available, and the new coronas become seasonal infections on a par with the flu. If vaccination becomes available and the new coronas become seasonal infections on the same level as influenza, I believe that vaccination and therapeutic drugs will be enough to overcome the disease.

Let's just try to be patient and avoid contact with people for a while!

That's the end of my blog for today.

I hope you'll come back to my blog and

I want you to come back to my blog and think about the same topics with me.

It would be wonderful if we could share the same time and space!

What a wonderful thing!

I'm looking forward to meeting you again.

I hope to see you again.

Here's to your eyes!

As Time Goes By

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