This is a historic weak yen. Let's go to Japan! !

Hay fever season is upon us!


Have you been experiencing itchy eyes and sneezing when you go outside lately?

That's a symptom of hay fever!

Actually, I have allergies too, and during hay fever season, my eyes itch and I can't stop sneezing.

I don't know if hay fever exists in other countries, but in Japan, cedar trees have been planted since the end of World War II, and many cedar trees are growing in the mountains and forests all over the country.

It is difficult to completely prevent allergic symptoms because of one's constitution, but basically, antiallergic drugs and antihistamines are prescribed. If you have severe symptoms, you may need to take an antihistamine before going out as a precaution. You may need to take them before you go out as a precaution if your symptoms are severe!

Itchy eyes and incessant sneezing are both very uncomfortable symptoms in daily life. Itching and sneezing are both very uncomfortable symptoms of daily life, so the best thing to do is to prevent them from occurring.

Recently, special goggles that can completely cover the eyes have been sold. I think that using these goggles is one way to prevent symptoms.

I think these goggles are also suitable for preventing infection from the eyes, since corona infection is currently very prevalent. We have a cat.

We have cats, and some of them also seem to get hay fever and start sneezing in early spring.

It's a painful symptom, and I can't let go of the medication.

Let's take care not to let it get worse!

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